Bringers of the New Era of Interspirituality: Kurt Johnson and David Robert Ord

Published: Aug. 28, 2013, 10 p.m.

Join Rev. Kristin and her guests, Kurt Johnson and David Robert Ord, coauthors of The Coming Interspiritual Age, as we continue to delve further into the new era of interspirituality in this five-week series of featured authors. This book is a long-awaited follow-up to Brother Wayne Teasdale's classic The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions, which initiated the modern "interspiritual movement." Kurt Johnson—scientist, comparative religionist, and close monastic associate of Brother Teasdale—and David Robert Ord—Editorial Director at Namaste Publishing—elaborate Interspirituality through a powerful overview of the world's spiritual heritages, the discoveries of modern science, and a riveting ride through the developmental view of history. For more information, please visit