(052) What's REALLY Going on Here...

Published: Aug. 24, 2021, 6:59 p.m.

Let's talk about this chaos shall we....

just because we are spiritual, and we know everything is One, doesn't mean we turn away from the darkness...there is exposing that needs to occur. But the REAL expose that is needed is the exposure of our True nature.  The "thing" every single person is actually seeking out there and the reason for the shadow we are in as a collective - lasting - long term, stable happiness that comes from the recognition of our True self - and the dissolution of the illusion.

Todays episode dives into a guided journey into dissolving who you thought you were as the "person" or separate self, to reveal your essence - through contemplation, self-inquiry, and introspection.  

From that innerstanding, we can gaze upon society and see why the agendas that are unfolding to keep us in separation and division and fear are ACTUALLY happening.


If this resonates with you, please share - now, more than ever, we really need to spread Truth. 

I love you all - we CAN do this, together we RISE.