(035) Becoming the Multidimensional Alchemist (by letting go of LABELS/stories)

Published: April 25, 2020, 2:23 p.m.

Okay so this may trigger some people - it did for me too at first, but then I realized how much I had been LIMITING my INFINITE ability by the stories I'd crafted around the labels from systems like astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys, the Mayan Calendar etc.

Now, let me just preface this by saying - I LOVE THESE MODALITIES.

Disclaimer - I am in NO way saying to throw these things out, or not use them. FAR FROM IT - and if you know me, you know how much I obsess over Human Design constantly. I believe these modalities help us understand our realities so much and they are absolutely tools to support our ascension...HOWEVER...

It's also important to become aware of the fact that we are headed towards multidimensionality...and expanding into our infinite nature to be alchemists of our minds, bodies, souls, and everything we see around us.  WE ARE THE WAYSHOWERS.

SO...this conversation is just an invitation to consider how to bring some awareness to the ways in which we create stories (and belief systems, aka self fulfilling prophecies) around these different systems.

Hope this gives you a profound and humbling AHA! moment like it did for me. Enjoy!

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