(025) Awakening Archives (YouTube welcome): 3D to 5D Struggles/Energetic Boundary Setting/Personal updates

Published: Sept. 18, 2019, 4:03 a.m.

This episode is a double recording from a video I just released on YouTube as my welcome video! 

Just some randomness from my life - the struggles I have personally been dealing with as we experience the individual and collective shift into 5D - and my take on the not-so-pretty moments as well.

I also touch on the importance of boundary setting and conscious friendships as you go through this process and prioritizing your vibration at all points in your journey - as it is truly your CURRENCY in this life.

I plan on doing a future episode going into more detail on boundary setting in the near future - the HOW and WHY behind this important aspect of the journey (since so many people seem to be recovering people pleasers like me!).  So keep an eye out for that!

Connect with me on Instagram!

You can also connect with me on Facebook or over at my website!

If you are interested in Early Bird Pricing for my upcoming course Color Me Conscious, check out the details on my IGTV, send me a DM, or check out the ticket page here! Can't wait to see you all inside the Facebook group starting October 7th!! This will be such an incredible two month journey, I can't wait to see all of the transformations that take place in our tow months together!

Also, if you are considering the path of health coaching, and resonate with any my content, I highly recommend looking into IIN, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to launch your career as a health coach!  With my referral, you'll receive a HUGE discount, just mention my name when calling in - or reach out to me directly and I can get you in contact!  IIN has changed my life, and I guarantee it will change yours too!