(021) Client Q&A: Feeling "Off" in Your Relationship, Overcoming Indecisiveness, and Ego vs. Intuition (the difference)

Published: June 21, 2019, 4:30 a.m.

This was definitely another favorite to record - LOVING these Q&As, and today I'm answering a few questions from my clients (anonymously, of course) that I thought might help others as well!  If you guys like this - let me know and I will do these more often!  

In this episode I cover:

- Feeling "off" in a relationship, some sort of disconnect and wondering if it is "in your head" or a self-confidence issue that is being projected.  I talk further about how Law of Attraction and our frequency plays into the relationship dynamic, how our feminine and masculine energies need to be balanced in the relationship to create the ratio of DESIRE/excitement for one another, and how to have OPEN communication around a physical relationship


- Intuition vs. Ego, what the difference is, HOW to tune into our intuition and create a deeper connection with our inner guidance system/Higher Self/Universe


- How to become more DECISIVE - through tuning IN, understanding our values/desires/goals so that we have more CLARITY in our lives, and how to REWRITE our old stories that have cause LIMITING BELIEFS in order to create a new narrative (i.e. "I am decisive and tuned into my intuition")

Part 2 coming later this week - stay tuned!


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If you are a woman that feels a little lost on her journey, lacking confidence in yourself, or just in need of some direction and clarity - head over and check out the Wander Women Retreat that we are holding in early September! Early bird ticket prices are still available and won't be for long! It is going to be a beautiful, transformative and healing weekend filled with so much love, support, guidance, expansion, incredible/healthy food, amazing women, workshops, and incredible speakers - you don't want to miss this!

Also, if you are considering the path of health coaching, and resonate with any my content, I highly recommend looking into IIN, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to launch your career as a health coach!  With my referral, you'll receive a HUGE discount, just mention my name when calling in - or reach out to me directly and I can get you in contact!  IIN has changed my life, and I guarantee it will change yours too!