(015) Two Things Holding You Back from WEIGHT LOSS

Published: April 16, 2019, 5:32 p.m.

If you are experiencing a plateau with weight loss, or you feel like you should be seeing better results for the lifestyle you have - these two factors might be incredibly beneficial to look into to get the ball rolling and create some new momentum.  


These concepts may be familiar to you, but I guarantee this podcast will bring you a new outlook on just how important it is to understand their impact on your health and your ability to lose weight!


Trust me - if you are not already implementing and regulating these two factors into your life - you will absolutely see a huge shift when you do!  Not just with weight loss, but also with energy, digestion, mental clarity, stamina, and sleep as well.  


You don’t want to miss this episode - it’s packed with great tips for ANYONE who is serious about keeping their health in pristine condition.  Remember, you only get one body.  Every day you have the opportunity to choose how you’re going to nourish this vessel - and this vessel IS your life experience, now, tomorrow, and the rest of your life.  Let’s take our health seriously, and make sure we are setting up our future to be one of high energy, quality health, and epic experiences!

Connect with me on Instagram: @kinetic_kaley

You can also connect with me on Facebook or over at my website!

The blog post I mention in the beginning of this episode can be reached HERE - with a complete breakdown of the physical response of what happens in our bodies under stress. Trust me, everyone NEEDS to be aware of this - otherwise you are putting yourself in danger of developing many diseases down the line, on top of making it nearly impossible to lose weight to the best of your body's ability.  I say this, not to scare you, but because I believe we are not educated enough in our society about how to combat this automatic process in the body.

If you are considering coaching, and resonate with my content, I highly recommend looking into IIN, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to launch your career as a health coach!  With my referral, you'll receive a HUGE discount, just mention my name when calling in - or reach out to me directly and I can get you in contact!  IIN has changed my life, and I guarantee it will change yours too!