Episode 9.5 - Invocations

Published: March 27, 2023, 4 p.m.

b"When you love someone, you remember them often. This is why the Prophet Muhammad \\ufdfa would remember Allah \\ufdfb all the time\\u2014because he loved Him so completely.\\n\\nIn this episode, we will cover:\\n\\u2022 The importance of remembrance (Dhikr)\\n\\u2022 Remembering Allah \\ufdfb after the Prayers\\n\\u2022 A du\\u02bfa given with love\\n\\nResources:\\n\\u2022 Saying 'Subh\\u0101n Allah' 33 times, then 'Al-hamdu lill\\u0101h' 33 times, then 'All\\u0101hu Akbar' 33 times after every Prayer and before going to sleep\\n\\u2022 Saying: \\u0631\\u064e\\u0628\\u0651\\u0650 \\u0623\\u0639\\u0650\\u0646\\u064a \\u0639\\u0644\\u0649 \\u0630\\u0650\\u0643\\u0652\\u0631\\u0650\\u0643\\u064e \\u0648\\u064e\\u0634\\u064f\\u0643\\u0652\\u0631\\u0650\\u0643\\u064e \\u0648\\u064e\\u062d\\u064f\\u0633\\u0652\\u0646\\u0650 \\u0639\\u0650\\u0628\\u064e\\u0627\\u062f\\u064e\\u062a\\u0650\\u0643 | All\\u0101humma a\\u02bfinn\\u012b \\u02bfal\\u0101 dhikrika wa shukrika wa \\u1e25usni \\u02bfib\\u0101datik | O Allah, assist me in remembering You, thanking You, and worshipping You with excellence"