Episode 5.30 The End

Published: June 15, 2018, 7 a.m.

b'The greatest happiness is experienced when\\xa0attaining everlasting honor in the Hereafter.\\n\\nIn this episode, we will cover:\\n\\u2022 The 20 gifts given to righteous servants in the next life\\n\\u2022 The 4 qualities we must hold to\\n\\u2022 Conclusion to Season 5\\n\\nSoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at www.mcuoft.com/donate\\n\\nSpecial Eid Takbiraat intro and outro by Dr. Omar Mahmood. Listen to the full track at https://soundcloud.com/omar_mm/takbiraat-of-eid'