Episode 4 | Lust

Published: May 26, 2017, 5:25 p.m.

b'One of the ways the human being has been honored is through the intellect. Giving in to lust goes against better judgment and is a sign one\'s nafs has taken over, making the intellect take a back seat. The path of purification teaches us to control and direct one\'s desires in a way pleasing to our Lord.\\n\\nIn this episode you will learn:\\n\\u2022 The Quranic command to beware of lustful gazes\\n\\u2022 The Prophet\'s warning about looking at forbidden things\\n\\u2022 Why we should be careful of the obsession with image\\n\\u2022 How forbidden images damage us\\n\\nRecommended Links:\\n\\u2022 "How is Porn Addictive" (http://fightthenewdrug.org/how-is-porn-addictive-infographic/#sthash.RFf34UUg.tEHr4IbF.dpbs).'