The Sticky Affirmation Movement with Amber Valdez

Published: Aug. 21, 2017, 8:32 p.m.

This week's episode of Soul Sparkle Radio we explore being the fullest expression of yourself and affirming who you are … that you are worthy, you matter, and that it is important to trust your magic.


Some of the highlights from my conversation with Amber:


  • Why Amber is referred to as the  sticky affirmations queen and how she started the post-it note affirmation revolution.
  • Why you need to be clear with the Universe around your desires and that we affirm what we want and don’t want every time we open our mouth, every time we speak
  • Periscope and post it notes started the live stream tribe of 23,000 people now manifesting dreams, intentions, and goals around the world
  • Manifesting doesn’t have to be so serious, it can be light hearted and playful
  • Being yourself, being the fullest expression of yourself, and not holding out on the blessings you can offer others because you are worried about possible rejection


Amber is hosting a workshop on September 6th in Salt Lake City, Utah called Worthy Goddess. This 6-hour magical experience is one that will powerfully redefine feminine leadership! If you are ready to release the blocks and beliefs that have you run your business in constant DO-ing that creates stress, hustle and overwhelm, then you should definitely check out this one day workshop. You can find out more and sign up by going to


Since we cannot have each and every one of you join us in person at our Summits, Soirees, Experiences, and Seva trips, the team at Soul Sparkle Headquarters wanted to come up with some sparkly alternatives. We came up with an array of light, easy, and affordable ways for you to join us on this magic carpet ride and from the comfort of your own home. To learn more and purchase one of the classes and programs to help you create your magical life, go to


For those that are in the mood to travel and make some magic happen in person, our next event is in the beautiful city of Essex, Connecticut. Nothing like fall in New England and a sisterhood of sparkly women to take your magic making game to the next level. You can find out more about the Soul Sparkle New England Experience by going to  … Early bird available until August 27 (payment plan available). We are also beyond honored to be featured in Huffington Post for this event - you can read more about that at 


Thank you so much for tuning into another inspiring interview and special thanks to our guest Amber Valdez for the way she owns her awesome, for her powerful mission, and her unique way of serving the world. See you next week, loves!




Amber Valdez | YOUR Life Purpose Cheerleader

Amber Valdez is a former NFL Cheerleader, Entertainment News Host & Reality TV Star turned Life Purpose Cheerleader.

Amber is an International Speaker and the Author of the Amazon #1 best-seller "Stickie Affirmations to Live Your Purpose". 

Amber serves as a successful life, relationship & career coach for Entrepreneurs to Network Marketers, to Doctors, Movie Producers, Students, Artists and Moms.

Amber provides live stream broadcasts to International audiences on Periscope TV and YouTube. Amber created the #TeamLiveYourPurpose movement and is committed to inspiring 1 million+ individuals to love themselves, own their  worth so they can live their purpose & change the world.