Thrifty Podcast: Mighty Morphin Power Thrifters

Published: July 20, 2020, 6 p.m.


Secondhand Shopping for Worm People.


Boxes of Power Rangers action figures littered Toddy\'s closet(s) since 1995. Until now. Toddy and DJ Lil are back for this week\'s eppy.


Games / Show Topics :


SOMETHING YOU\'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE - The panel shows off this week\'s thrift haul + spout trivia questions to the other party, based on the thrift haul. It\'s the meat and potatoes of THRIFTY. This Week : - Power Rangers, Stamps <-- The Big 2! (and more)


FREESTYLE - An array of comedy sketches, music, things recorded not on the podcast live, and everything else in between!


VINTAGE vs. MODERN - Comparing and contrasting the value of older items versus their modern counterpart.


Special thanks to :


BLUFFS for "Alternate Reality" and "Panic Sequence", the themes to our show for many reasons. (


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