Episode 816: Journal of Lifestyle Medicine Calendar 3-11-15

Published: March 11, 2015, 5 p.m.


A review of upcoming events in Western PA of interest to Integrative Medicine Professionals and anyone interested in the latest science of nutrition, exercise and mind-body medicine.


This week we talk with Dr. Dan Wagner, owner of Nutrifarmacy in the North Hills and author of the Winter Issue cover story "Do you really need that flu shot?" In this podcast he discusses two upcoming events he\'s involved in: the 18th annual Open House he\'s hosting at his store, and the May 1 Lifestyle Medicine Conference, at which he\'ll be a speaker.


Websites mentioned in this cast:


Flaxseed and breast cancer


Help Ban Fast Food in Hospitals


New Research on Oil Pulling
\\n http://www.justnaturallyhealthy.com/fb-articles/477-oil-pulling-research-finally-reveals-what-some-have-thought-all-along


Stop The Noise Retreat


Podcasting Essentials for Practitioners and Small Businesses


Farm To Table


Nutrifarmacy Open House


PlantPure Nation: Dr. T. Colin Campbell


Lifestyle Medicine Conference


Pittsburgh Vegan Festival


Journal of Lifestyle Medicine Facebook Page
