41. Playing the Long Game: Sacrificing Income to Raise Babies, Bonding vs Warehousing, and Grandma Dunks on Uncle Wally with a Ball in Both Hands

Published: April 11, 2022, 3 p.m.


Raising children is not just raising children. It's planting the seeds for all kinds of relationships further down the road: personal, societal, cultural, behavioral, and environmental. And, as Jeremy points out, it lays the foundation for complex decision making later in life. Who we are to our kids when they are seeking to bond and what we prioritize affects what and who they bond to later. This episode dives into stay-at-home dads, Andrew Yang, universal basic income, warehousing kids, the biological drive to be close to your offspring, and how the economy has not caught up with the realizations that having close and healthy early bonding of one parent or family member creates a rich future for all.

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