Published: May 18, 2020, 3:57 p.m.


Monday, 18th May, 2020.


(Heb 1:2-3; Col 1:15; Luk. 9:55)

MEMORY VERSE: "The Son reflects God's own glory, and everything about him represents God exactly." (Heb. 1:3a)

God is orderly. He has values, character and a system of beliefs. And as His children, we are expected to be like Him. Having His Spirit dwelling in us, there is the potential to take after Him with respect to His nature.

Children born to good families where parents fear the Lord will definitely become perverse if they are exposed to environments where evil prevails. Although they have the DNA of good parents, they'll not turn out good because the ways of goodness have not been revealed to them. So they'll walk contrary to their root and origin.

The Samaritans once refused to welcome Jesus on his way to Jerusalem. James and John then sought permission to call down fire from heaven to burn them up. But Jesus' response was profound. "...he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of" (Luk. 9:55 KJV). It means one can be of a spirit and not know its manner. The manner (principles and modus operandi) of the nature of God that we carry must be revealed to us to be able to take after it.

Jesus is the only way by which we can see, understand and take after God. Jesus in bodily form came to radiate God's glory and express His character; everything about him represents God exactly (Heb. 1:3a). He is the visible image of the invisible God. We can't see God but we have seen Jesus; some saw him when he walked the earth, we see him today through the pages of the scripture.

We have God's nature but we need the nuture of Christ, the revealer of God's nature, in order to immitate God. So in Jesus' life, we see God as merciful, compassionate, gracious, holy, patient, peaceful, kind, faithful, gentle, etc. We can therefore take after Him.

God's nature in us is ineffective without the nuture of Jesus, the bodily revealer of God's nature. Study Jesus' life in the gospels and trust the Holy Spirit to reveal the Father to you through him.

PRAYER: As I look up to Jesus, I receive a revelation of the Father's nature so I can walk in it in Jesus name.


By Fabiyi Sunday Oluwaseun