SPaMCAST 281 Value Chain Mapping, Kim Pries The Software Sensei on Big Data

Published: March 16, 2014, 9 p.m.

b'Listen to the\\xa01. SPaMCAST 281 features our essay on value chain mapping. Value is generated through the transformation of raw materials into a new form, which is represented by a value chain. Driving effective change requires an understanding of your organization\\u2019s value chain.\\nValue chain mapping is a representation of how an organization transforms raw materials into a product and then delivers that product to its customers.\\xa0 Value chains are developed so that the organization can get a full understanding of the process to see how they can generate the greatest possible value for the organization and the customer.\\xa0 Once you understand the flow, it is far easier to improve it. Value Chain Mapping is a lean technique. Like\\xa0, which focuses on the flow of work and which steps add business value, Value Chain Mapping helps to target process improvements.\\nListen to the rest on SPaMCAST 281.\\nThe SPaMCAST 281 also features Kim Pries\\u2019s column. The listeners have spoken and Kim\\u2019s column now has a name:\\xa0The Software Sensie. In this edition, Kim tackles big data in his illuminating and technical style.\\nHere are the related value chain mapping blog entries:\\n\\nGet in\\xa0\\xa0with us anytime or leave a comment here on the blog. Help support the SPaMCAST by reviewing and rating it on\\xa0. It helps people find the cast. Like us on\\xa0\\xa0while you\\u2019re at it.\\nNext week we will feature our interview with Ben Linders (this is Ben\\u2019s second appearance on the podcast) and Luis Gon\\xe7alves.\\xa0 We discussed retrospectives and their great new book Getting Value out of\\xa0. Retrospectives power the continuous improvement all project and organizations need to deliver more value over time.\\nUpcoming Events\\nAgile Philly March Meeting:\\nI am speaking at Agile Philly\\u2019s March 18th\\xa0meeting on the topic of Function Points. The meeting begins at 630 PM EST \\u2013 830 in King of Prussia, PA \\u2013 Details at\\xa0\\nISMA 9I will be attending the International Function Point Users Group conference and workshops in Madrid, Spain on March 27th\\xa0with workshops on March 25th\\xa0and 26th.\\nQAIQuest 2014I will be facilitating a \\xbd Day tutorial titled Make Integration and Acceptance Testing Truly Agile. The tutorial will wrestle with the flow of testing in Agile projects and will include lots of practical advice and exercises. Remember that Agile testing is not waterfall done quickly. I will also be around for the conference and look forward to meeting and talking with SPaMCAST readers and listeners.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 ALSO I HAVE A DISCOUNT CODE\\u2026. Email me at\\xa0\\xa0or call 440.668.5717 for the code.\\nStarEastI will be speaking at the\\xa0\\xa0Conference May 4th \\u2013 9th\\xa0in Orlando, Florida.\\xa0 I will be presenting a talk titled,\\xa0. Follow the link for more information on\\xa0. ALSO I HAVE A DISCOUNT CODE\\u2026. Email me at\\xa0\\xa0or call 440.668.5717 for the code.\\nI look forward to seeing all SPaMCAST readers and listeners at all of these great events!\\nThe Software Process and Measurement Cast has a sponsor.\\nAs many you know I do at least one webinar for the\\xa0\\xa0(ITMPI) every year. The ITMPI provides a great service to the IT profession. ITMPI\'s mission is to pull together the expertise and educational efforts of the world\'s leading IT thought leaders and to create a single online destination where IT practitioners and executives can meet all of their educational and professional development needs. The ITMPI offers a premium membership that gives members unlimited free access to 400 PDU accredited webinar recordings, and waives the PDU processing fees on all live and recorded webinars. The Software Process and Measurement Cast some support if you sign up\\xa0. All the revenue our sponsorship generates goes for bandwidth, hosting and new cool equipment to create more and better content for you. Support the SPaMCAST and learn from the ITMPI.\\nShameless Ad for my book!\\n\\xa0co-authored by Murali Chematuri and myself and published by J. Ross Publishing. We have received unsolicited reviews like the following: "This book will prove that software projects should not be a tedious process, neither for you or your team." Support SPaMCAST by buying the book\\xa0.\\nAvailable in English and Chinese.'