Trust, Verify & Authorize with DevSecOps

Published: April 29, 2020, 12:25 p.m.

You may have a secure application today, but you cannot guarantee that it will still be secure tomorrow. Application security is a living process that must be constantly addressed throughout the application lifecycle. This requires continuous security assessments at every phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). The SEI has researched a continuous authorization concept—DevSecOps—that allows for constant interaction between developers and information security teams throughout the entire SDLC. This allows any authorizing officials, such as personnel on information security teams, to be in constant contact with developers as changes are made to existing code and as new features are added. From project conception, a developed system security plan should be integrated into the development platform as well as other environments, where both developers and IAs can see the same artifacts for every development and deployment activity. This allows any changes to the system's security posture to be immediately identified and reported to the IA to evaluate and ensure that all security controls are adequately addressed. As a result, all security features can be verified and authorized, and eventually the organization will build a trusted culture among all stakeholders.

Hasan Yasar and Eric Bram discussed how the continuous aspect of communication and collaboration among developers and information security teams reinforces core DevOps principles, as well as allowing developers to write code with a "secure” development mindset. Giving developers and DevOps engineers the tools and knowledge to excel in their roles not only leads to enhanced productivity but also a more robust and secure application and environment development mindset. Giving developers and DevOps engineers alike the tools and knowledge to excel in their roles not only leads to enhanced productivity but also a more robust and secure application and environment.