#343 - Jaws (1975) - Retake

Published: July 15, 2016, 6:47 a.m.

Subject: Jaws (1975)

Observers: John Pavlich, Heather Wixson

Record Date: July 12, 2016, 12:38 AM

Plot Summary: A cop, a scientist and a hunter sail out from the coast of a New England town, in search of a deadly Great White shark.

Note: Continuing our series of Summer-based motion pictures, Heather (managing editor of DailyDead.com) returns, this time to revisit the subject of the Sofa Dogs podcast's very first episode. We talk about the origin of the term, "blockbuster", the deep, dark dangers of the ocean, shark psychology and getting more out of your story when you have less to work with. Remember to listen for the preemptive countdown before starting the film on your DVD.

Support: John's Go Fund Me campaign!

Buy: Jaws on Blu-ray at Amazon.com!

Buy: Pop Art from John's Etsy Store!

Watch: The Sofa Dogs YouTube Channel!