Published: March 2, 2020, 11:35 p.m.

Twenty years ago, Butch suffered from low back pain so bad that he would crawl out of his car with his hands and then pull himself up to a standing position using the door handle. Today, he is pain free no matter what he does. That injury led him to become a massage therapist to learn basic muscle knowledge. Then he became certified in Active Isolated Stretching which taught him how to stretch correctly. Finally, he studied with a neurosurgeon/researcher in brain health which taught him how much the brain controls the muscles from an emotional level. He combined these three things into the “Stretch n’ Release Technique.” Once he understood how his brain anticipated the pain in his body, he could let go that anticipation. Combining the releasing from the brain, a massage style that anyone can do, and Active Isolated Stretching, he was able to release the pain and free his body. At 60, he is more flexible, has more energy, and has virtually no pain. He teaches his clients how to live without the typical pain of aging.