Published: Feb. 8, 2021, 5:05 a.m.

Growing up in the Bronx Andrew enjoyed playing what some have called “the most Bronx sport of them all, ” Handball.   Andrew loves to cook and experiment in the kitchen.  He cooked for over 100 people for his complex’ holiday party here in Florida and he also grilled for charity for over 200 people in Long Island. He attended Rutgers University in New Jersey for a year and then came home to help his parents who were not in the best of health.   His first job was in customer service for an online gifts and collectibles company where he found out that some people have an obsession with porcelain cows….go figure. He finished his degree at Baruch College while going to school at night and working full time during the day.  He quickly switched jobs from talking to people about cows to working for a commercial landlord in New York City.  He stayed here for the next 10 years working closely with tenants, commercial insurance, operations, and brokers.  It is here that he found his love for real estate and a dream started, to become a commercial realtor.  Andrew worked to get his New York real estate license in order to get into the business.  At this time Andrew also met his wonderful wife, Veronica and her adorable pitbull mix Violet and he started working part time for a brokerage in the city.  This takes us to Florida where Veronica had accepted a job as a clinical pediatric psychologist and Andrew had the opportunity to succeed in a new commercial real estate market including the sales of businesses.