Published: Aug. 31, 2020, 5:20 a.m.

Mitch is the Executive Director of Finance at Excellence Performance, a business coaching, and personal development company. Coming from an immigrant family, a strong work ethic and a desire to make a difference were ingrained into who is he is today. During his time in college, he earned two degrees with honors in accountancy and finance while building a sales team for a health and wellness company. He then graduated from the Excellence Performance Coaching Academy, a rigorous two-year coaching certification program. Mitch began building his department from scratch at the age of 21 and since then has attracted and leads a team of experts in business strategy, taxation, financial investing, and more. He utilizes psychology and behavioral finance to make more impactful and permanent changes in his clients’ financial lives. In addition to his finance work, Mitch is a professional speaker and young adult coach helping people in their twenties discover their passions, move past the obstacles holding them back, and begin to live in purpose on purpose. In today’s episode, he reveals the way he expedited reaching his goals and what he recommends for everyone who wants to fast track their success.