Published: May 11, 2020, 5:20 a.m.

This former tech CEO founded one of the first telecommunications professional services firms in the United States when she was twenty-seven years old. She brought this company to market, building offices in Seattle and Portland before selling and moving into publishing in 2014. Her first book, “Never Drink Coffee During a Business Meeting” was featured on a West Coast Barnes & Noble book tour in the summer of 2017. She also co-authored the book “My Calendar is Written in Crayon” and soon to be released “90 Day Author”. Ms. Garcia is now Chief Operating Officer and an equity partner NOW Publishing, a multi-genre publishing house located in the Tampa area. She is a mother of two daughters, ages 13 & 15, part of the SMILE ministry at City Life Church in Tampa, and is devoted to her family and her church. She ran a full marathon, golfs, plays the violin and piano, and is a USTA tennis maniac. Ms. Garcia believes Jesus is the head of her household.