Published: May 4, 2020, 6:20 a.m.

Steven White, President of Adaptive Creations Group, Inc., will discuss the inspiration for his two new patent pending inventions; the Hands-Free Support System for the Disabled and Others, and the Universal Blender Tamper. ACG also helps other inventors to develop their visions into realities with a full range of support services, from product vision, business planning, prototyping, patenting, capital formation, licensing, manufacture sourcing, through marketing and sales. Prior to forming ACG, Steve was a business consultant with Business Strategies Corp. helping start-ups and other existing businesses and is a retired business attorney from Pennsylvania and new Jersey and also served as Assistant Regional Counsel for the U.S. Small Business Administration. Mr. White is a 1974 graduate of Temple University (summa cum laude) and 1977 graduate of Temple University School of Law.