Just Focus on Today | Doing a Day w/ Bryan Falchuk

Published: Aug. 30, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

Many of us struggle with accomplishing big goals, because we get caught up in the dream of the vision. Often times, where you are now, is unbelievably far from your goal. Some of us get anxious & depressed we will never ever get close. The key is to focus on the 24 hours you have right now in front of you today.

Bryan Falchuk, is a life and executive coach, public speaker, C-level executive and the best-selling author of Do a Day, in which he teaches people how to overcome challenges and achieve goals. Bryan spent most of his life obese and overcome by anxiety until he discovered the approach to change all that – Do a Day.

Using Do A Day, Bryan was able to break from this pattern to live a life of consistent, unending health and wellness, and works to share what he’s learned with others seeking a happier, more complete existence. As Bryan says, people don’t change, lives do. His goal is to help people change their lives.

Bryan’s work has appeared in many major publications like the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, Inc. Magazine and more, and he has been featured as a guest on over 100 podcasts and radio shows. He has also shared his message across many stages, including multiple TEDx events.

Bryan changed his life while staying true to himself. So can you. Today is a new Day. Go out and Do it.