#26 - George Khalife | Self Development, Happiness, Mindset, and Entrepreneurship

Published: Jan. 13, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

George Khalife is a Startup Co-Founder, TMX Associate, Host of Let's Grab Coffee Podcast, Blogger, Speaker and Community Builder.

George Khalife is a determined and well educated Human 2.0. George works closely with aspiring entrepreneurs and helps them raise the money they need to be successful.

• Co-Founder & CEO at BookBack - an app (still in Beta stage) for students to trade, buy and/or sell books (visit bookback.co to learn more).

• Founder & Host at Let’s Grab Coffee - a podcast that aims to interview successful individuals in different industries (12 episodes and counting).

• Blogger at georgekhalife.com (ranked as one of the top Lebanese blogs to follow as per The961.com) and published author on LinkedIn.

• Community Builder - works with other youth influencers to create & co-host events that advocate for and promote innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship.

• Speaker - most recently, George was the Keynote Speaker at IEEE’s Annual Canadian Student Congress.

If you would like more information on George please check out the following links below:

George's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgekhalife/
George's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/khalife18/
George's Site - georgekhalife.com

Humans 2.0 Twitter - https://twitter.com/Humans2Podcast
Twitter - https://twitter.com/markymetry
Medium - https://medium.com/@markymetry
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mark.metry.9
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/markmetry/
Mark Metry - https://www.markmetry.com/