World Radio Day 2014: Radio Interventions for Development and Health

Published: Feb. 12, 2014, 3:39 p.m.

For World Radio 2014, Daniel Avis sits down with Roy Head, CEO of Development Media International. DMI aims to use television and radio to address health care issues in developing countries. Listen in as Head discusses how he became involved in development radio, his experience working in health in developing countries, and the goals he and his organization DMI are aiming to achieve in the health and media sector. Through what Head refers to as “saturation plus”, DMI uses radio to broadcast campaign materials throughout the day, which are designed to change how people view certain health issues. Impassioned and knowledgeable, Head offers a glimpse into worldwide health issues and the power that radio has to diminish these problems and change the stigmas surrounding them. Presenter: Daniel Avis; Speaker: Roy Head