Beyond the Neoliberal University: How Do We Free Education?

Published: Dec. 5, 2014, 5:34 p.m.

b"Beyond the Neoliberal University: How Do We Free Education?\\n\\nA talk and rally in the run up to the National Demonstration for Free Education, to discuss the impact of neoliberalism on education and how we can transcend the current education system, abolishing financial and social barriers and creating an education system that is not just free in terms of not having fees (for international students as well as home students), but that is also democratic, representative, inclusive and supportive of all students and staff.\\n\\nSPEAKERS:\\n\\nMATTEW BRETT (via video from Montreal) - Former SOAS student, involved with the Free Education movement in Quebec\\n\\nMEERA SABARATNAM- Lecturer in International Relations at SOAS and UCU representative.\\n\\nARIANNA TASSINARI- Former SOAS Students' Union Co-President and activist.\\n\\nDAVID GRAEBER - lecturer in anthropology at LSE and activist."