Published: May 11, 2016, 5:36 a.m.

IN THE YEAR 20XX, WAR WAS BEGINNING. That's right, it's time for So Wizard Podcasts full reaction and review of Captain America: Civil War!!! All the highs and lows of the biggest movie of the year! Is Spider-Man amazing? Does Tom no love Ant Man? Is Sharon Carter hot? Does Baron Zemo stink? All this and more in the super So Wizard manner. SPOILERS are clearly delineated, so get out there, see it, come back and see if you agree with the crew! And don't forget, we're ALWAYS FREE to listen to on Stitcher Radio, subscribe on Itunes or listen on our website! Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Like us on Instagram! Support the show by buying a T shirt! Check out our website!