Smash S:2 | The Bells and Whistles E:8 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

Published: March 27, 2013, 7:49 a.m.

b'AFTERBUZZ TV \\u2013 Smash edition, is a weekly \\u201cafter show\\u201d for fans of NBC\\u2019s Smash. In this show, host Tamara Berg breaks down the episode "The Bells and Whistles" in which Jimmy and Derek clash about Hit List. Derek wants to go with a big production for "I Heard Your Voice In a Dream" but Jimmy wants it to be more simple and Karen agrees with him. Tom and Julia visit the set and Tom has a talk with Derek about being forceful and getting things done. Derek gets Tom\'s point about listening and sits down and listens to Jimmy about his concerns for the song. They decide to forgo Derek\'s desired video screens and just use dancers for the number as a way to keep the Hit List characters of Jesse and Amanda apart. Tom struggles to assert himself as director of Bombshell. Sam returns to town for a visit and says he\'s unhappy with his Book of Mormon role and Tom offers him a part in Bombshell. Julia tells him there isn\'t room for Sam. After the Bombshell group has some fun together with Sam singing\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'