Slashercast - Episode 125 - Night of the Comet & Dear Slashercast

Published: Feb. 17, 2014, 10:48 p.m.

It's Episode 125 and you know what that means! It's time for another round of Dear Slashercast, and holy shit, we were sent a lot of questions! Thanks again to everyone who submitted. We start off with a very brief installment of Mike's News and a brief Jack rant. We follow this with our review of the 1984 classic, Night of the Comet. All this, fat cosplay derailment, and so much more on this episode of Slashercast.


0:00 - Introduction

09:24 - News

14:48 - Jack's Rant

28:20 - Review: Night of the Comet

55:15 - Dear Slashercast