Slashercast Episode 119 - Alice Sweet Alice & 2014 Horror Resolutions

Published: Jan. 6, 2014, 9 p.m.

It's a new year and your faithful five fingers have resolved to not watch as many crappy movies. Will Mike's pick of Alice Sweet Alice fit the bill? Also, aside from a super brief news segment, you get our horror resolutions for 2014. What we hope to see and what we don't want any more of. Next week, Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones will be a test of our resolutions. Show notes: News 04:20 Alice Sweet Alice Review 0:11:15 Alice Sweet Alice Spoilers 0:37:00 2014 Horror Resolutions 1:00:55 The Brad Miska Top 10 Review 1:35:59 Show wrap-up 1:56:39