Wellness Woman- Guest AnYes van Rhijn

Published: May 19, 2016, 10:39 p.m.

Never Too Late To Step Into the Driver's Seat Of Your Life To Reinvent It!
Wellness Woman Hosted by Lynnis Woods-Mullins with Guest AnYes Vanrhijn

They call AnYes Vanrhijn the Queen of Reinvention. She has had to reinvent herself three times: the first time when she set up her business, the second time when she had to face business challenges and went almost bankrupt and the third time last year when her personal life fell into pieces leaving her almost homeless at 58. Every time she was determined to rise from the ashes and every time she did. She challenged her beliefs and dared embracing the unknown; she thought out of the box and tested doing things differently. She reconnected the dots between herself, her life and her business and as a result she always managed to thrive again, stronger than before. AnYes shares some of her strategies to help your reinvent yourself too!