Why You Must Put Yourself And Fitness FIRST Now That You're Older

Published: Jan. 14, 2022, 4 a.m.

b"The new year is here. In this podcast, I tell you why now is the time to out you and your fitness first to properly help others.\\n\\nBe sure to listen to all of the 100 most-often asked questions about fitness older men have podcast here on this platform.\\n\\nMy exclusive\\xa0Age Optimization System\\xa0for older men is an intense 12-week private, one-on-one coaching experience. Is it right for you? Find out\\xa0here:\\xa0https://skiplacour.com/aos\\n\\nGet free, instant lifetime access to dozens of workouts for older men, nutrition advice, and motivational videos in the\\xa0Workouts for Older Men Members Only website. Go to\\xa0http://workoutsforoldermen.com.\\n\\nFill out the questionnaire thoroughly. I read every single one of them. I'll personally issue your user name and password. I may give you a welcome phone call if you play all out when filling out the questionnaire.\\n\\nMake sure you sign up to be on my email\\xa0list for fitness updates\\xa0at\\xa0https://skiplacour.com/tips-for-older-men.\\n\\nCall or text me at 925-352-4366 for one-on-one coaching."