Lisa Nichols, Motivational Speaker, CEO of Motivating the Masses

Published: Jan. 18, 2016, 5:47 a.m.

In this episode, I will be joined by Lisa Nichols, motivational speaker, media personality and corporate CEO of Motivating the Masses, Inc.  Lisa has appeared on Oprah, the Today Show, the Steve Harvey Show and the movie “the Secret”.  During the interview, Lisa will share her journey from being on Public Assistance to owning and running a multi-million dollar empire.  Lisa will also discuss her recently released book “Abundance Now” and provide action steps that anyone can take to bring abundance into their lives.  Lisa will also share how she transformed her health by releasing 78 pounds and how this “release” as she calls it, has helped grow her business exponentially, this and so much more is in this life changing and transformative interview.