Updates and Recommendations

Published: June 10, 2020, 4 p.m.

Researching and putting together a crime story for this week was the last thing on our minds. In this episode, we are giving a couple of updates on two of our previous stories, Jassy Correia (episode 10 season 1) and BFF Fonies (episode 6 season 1). As well as give some podcast and organization recommendations for those who are looking to support the Black Lives Matter protests. We hope you will check out some of our recommendations, and if you have any that we missed, please let us know on any of our social media sites. Stay SISPICIOUS!

Podcast Recommendations: Black Lives Matter "What Matters", "Dear Governor" from iHeartRadio, "In Black America" from KUT productions, "Ear Hustle" from Radiotopia 

GQ Article featuring organizations and resources: www.gq.com/gallery/ways-to-support-black-lives-matter

Black Lives Matter website: blacklivesmatter.com