Lauren Ciesco - Weigh loss and creating a body you love

Published: Oct. 16, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Host: Murielle Fellous

Guest: Lauren Ciesco

Are you struggling with your weight?

Are you using food to avoid feeling?

In this episode Lauren shared some ways to tap into your resources to support you in your weight loss journey

We also talked about how to created a healthy relationship with food.


Lauren Ciesco is a self proclaimed personal growth and spirit junkie turned Mindset Coach on a mission to help other women, master their vibes, find freedom with food and take their lives to the next level. For over 2 decades Lauren was stuck in vicious cycle of limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors that kept her stuck and looking for happiness and fulfillment outside of herself until she woke up one day and decided their has to be more to life and went out looking for the answer.

Her journey lead her to becoming a Life/Mindset Coach and starting her company High Vibe Living with Lauren Ciesco to help other women get unstuck, get intentional about what they want and stop wasting their precious time in their struggle with food and their bodies so they can start living a live that they were meant to live. Lauren helps her clients take responsibility, claim their power and teaches them to master mindset and spiritual tools so they can learn how to create any results they want!

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