Taking Up Space with Lillian Charles

Published: July 10, 2019, 4:12 p.m.

Tallia is joined by dear friend, stylist and coach Lillian Charles for a conversation filled with laughter, some tears, and full hearts. They talk about taking up space, showing up authentically, and having the courage to be seen for who you are. Whether through the way you dress or in the way you share your story, authentic self-expression is such a big part of showing up fully.

And YAY for LAUNCH WEEK! Tallia finally shares the full scoop about the Inner Work Circle on this episode for any women who is ready to show up more authentically in work and life. Enrollment for the August cohort has officially been announced! If you feel called to be a part of this year's circle, get in on this goodness. Early Application deadline is July 19th.

You can find Lillian out in the world doing big and beautiful things on instagram @lilliangraycharles and on her website here. Say hello at heygirl@lilliancharles.com.

Send some love, we'd love to hear from you via email at sincerelymepodcast@gmail.com :)