Pursuing Your Purpose with Katie Mallett

Published: July 24, 2019, 11 a.m.

Behind every success story, there's often an unspoken mess. In this week's episode, Tallia and Katie Mallet (friend, former coachee, and founder of Make + Do community) discuss how the path of pursuing our purpose isn't always a pretty one.

Katie openly shares about the mess of her path, the process of waiting in the "in between," and the lessons she learned in her career transition. With a bit of trust, patience and an entrepreneurial spirit, Katie took one step at a time, eventually leading her to create her own path of purpose. 

The biggest takeaways:

1. Give yourself permission to want more and trade guilt for gratitude

2. Accept your current reality and stop resisting the mess

3. Have the courage to find your joy and speak what you want into existence


To learn more about Make + Do, you can follow along on instagram @makeanddocommunity.

If you're in the messiness of your path and looking for tools to pursue your purpose, applications for the Inner Work Circle are open until mid-August. Only a few spots left!