All Hail The Inanimate Carbon Rod | Simpsons Showdown

Published: Jan. 8, 2021, 8:30 a.m.

It may be 2021, but it's still 1994 somewhere! This week we continue our look at Season 5 of The Simpsons with 'Deep Space Homer' and 'Homer Loves Flanders'. Will this very Homer-centric week provide the necessary guffaws? Tune in to find out.

Also we discuss a lot of outdated news in this episode, which was recorded in mid October 2020. We hope everyone in the UK is coping well in Lockdown 3, and our friends in America are surviving during these turbulent times.

Remember, Black Lives Matter and fuck Donald Trump.

Current Season 5 Ranking (as of last episode)

  1. Cape Feare
  2. Homer's Barbershop Quartet
  3. The Last Temptation of Homer
  4. $pringfield
  5. Homer The Vigilante
  6. Treehouse of Horror IV
  7. Boy-Scoutz 'n The Hood
  8. Bart's Inner Child
  9. Rosebud
  10. Marge On The Lam
  11. Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
  12. Homer Goes To College
  13. Homer and Apu
  14. Bart Gets Famous

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