198: 13th / Oscars Post-mortem

Published: Feb. 28, 2017, 8 p.m.

b'We review Ava DuVernay\\u2019s Oscar-nominated Netflix documentary, and find that it\\u2019s worth seeing, if a little fast and furious. It presents some very serious information in an accessible and palatable way, is beautifully shot and made, and will help you show receipts the next time you\\u2019re faced with white folks claiming racism is over. It does, however, have a little of the feeling of a history class, and as it gets closer to its run time it does tend to skip over some of the more interesting things it brings up.\\n\\nBecause we recorded on Oscar day, and because the 2017 Oscars provided a moment that will be talked about for years to come, we also recorded a quick post-mortem. Spoiler alert: we predicted a lot of categories correctly.'