Rambam's Mishneh Torah: Class 44

Published: April 27, 2021, 2 p.m.


Class 44: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on Antigonus Ish Socho; Rabbi Yosef Messas on treating our Arab neighbors with Derech Eretz and respect; we are missing leaders who have love of human dignity; Socho spelled with the letter Samach or letter Sin; not serving HaKadosh Baruch Hu for the sake of recieving a reward; the meaning of the name Antigonus; the place called Socho; the responsibility of a community to spread the teachings of their rabbi; the fate of the Ben Ish Chai's writings; the Pele Yoetz's stance on writing books in Hebrew or the local vernacular; the life of Rabbi Menasheh Ben Yisrael; the origin of the Sadducees and Boethusians; the sickness of reactionary Judaism; seven types of dangerous Pharisees; Judaism that is gripped with spiritual paralysis; Rabbi Yaakov Peretz and pleasant Judaism; and more! (4/27/2021)


This Shiur is generously sponsored by Alan and Dena Sigman in loving memory of their grandparents: Yitzchak Ben Meir z\\u201dl, Devorah Bat Avraham z\\u201dl, and Tova Bat Yisrael Hillel z\\u201dl. May their Neshamot have an Aliyah in Gan Eden, Amen!


Shiviti Night Kollel

Rambam\\u2019s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
