Removing the Scales of Judgement

Published: Jan. 14, 2019, 12:30 a.m.

In this episode I share I dream I have where I learn about how damaging it is to judge each other and how empowering it is to remove the scales of judgement (darkness) from our eyes. This allows us to be able to truly see ourselves and others in a higher see our own divinity and others.

Until we remove the false scales of judgement and the feeling that we are justified in judging each other, we will continue to perpetuate the poison that judgment has on our society and ourselves. When we falsely judge, we put negative energies out that disrupt the light that is within each of us.

While each person may feel the impact differently, judgement can block the very change you desire in yourself or another. If you have the intent to harm, criticize, publicly shame, or get revenge against another person and think you are responding with inspired action, I'd invite you to check yourself.

We can lift out of this belief system through the gift of discernment, which is meant to act as a compass and guide to our own personal course. In order to stay in the realm of inspired action, check in with your heart and work through your own triggers (emotions) before you fall into the trap of feeling that you are justified to become someone else's, judge, jury, and executioner.

This includes yourself too!

I hope you will enjoy this extra long episode of She's Awake Podcast. For past episodes, please visit or email