Episode 23. Your Difference Is Your Superpower with Kristen Davey

Published: Jan. 12, 2021, 6:47 p.m.

At 21, Kristen Davey got an offer most recent grads would die for: to buy a company in the field of forensic science, the program from which she had just graduated and believed would be her life’s work. Except ... something didn’t feel right. Why, she asked herself, am I not jumping on this opportunity? This was one of the first times Kristen remembers tuning in and listening to her gut to find the answers. What a gift, to have that level of clarity at 21. Napoleon Hill has a quote from his book Think & Grow Rich: “The world has a habit of making way for the (wo)man whose actions show that she knows where she’s going.” To me, this epitomizes Kristen Davey. She is a woman who knows where she’s going and she refuses let anything stop her. So what if she picked an industry dominated by 60 year old white men? She’s discovered her difference is not a weakness but her Superpower! And she’s leveraging it to build a thriving financial coaching business and follow her calling to educate business owners on how to create financial freedom. To learn more about Kristen, follow her on Instagram: @financialfortuneteller and visit her website: https://www.financialfortuneteller.net/ I reached Kristen at her home outside Toronto.