Traits of Hypocrisy Part 5

Published: Jan. 7, 2021, 2:33 p.m.

b"Traits of Hypocrisy Part 5\\nDelivered by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq on Friday 17th January 2020 at Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester\\n\\nVideo:\\n\\nThis seven-part series details the different types of hypocrites and their various traits. The dangers of adopting these traits is emphasised so that the believers identify and avoid them.\\n\\nThe fifth part of this series covers verses 204 - 206 of S\\u016brat al-Baqarah. A reason for people being argumentative is identified to be from our own inner insecurities. These insecurities can have an effect on those around us including our close relatives.\\n\\nThe psychological process in the head of a person who is corrected when wrong is explained; how he may interpret even a minor imperfection pointed out to mean that he is worthless, and therefore puts on a mask of arrogance as a defence and becomes angry. As a contrast, the reaction of an emotionally stable person when corrected is mentioned; how such a person, through his balanced view of himself, takes criticism on board rather than being argumentative. Examples of people receptive to corrections are given like the example of Umar r.a.\\n\\nThe fact that perfection is infeasible in the duny\\u0101 is emphasized and illustrated by imperfections in great personalities such as Im\\u0101m Bukh\\u0101r\\u012b and Einstein. The example of imperfections in the duny\\u0101 is also shown how the Prophet \\ufdfa underwent physical difficulties and at times was corrected by All\\u0101h for his actions. We are then recommended to have a balanced view of ourselves and take time out for self-reflection to improve the way we react to other people's corrections.\\n\\nBelow are some of the topics mentioned in this talk:\\n- The Argumentative Nature of Man\\n- A Believer is the Mirror of Another Believer\\n- The Meaning of 'Fas\\u0101d'\\n- Balanced Thinking of a Believer\\n- Humans Not Being Perfect in Mind or Body\\n- The Prophet \\ufdfa Being Corrected by All\\u0101h\\n- The Worried Well\\n- The Mentality of a Believer for Self-improvement\\n\\n**********************************************************************\\n\\nWebsite:\\nYouTube:\\nFacebook:\\nTwitter:\\nInstagram -\\n\\n**********************************************************************"