Propulsion on the Spiritual Path

Published: May 9, 2020, 4 a.m.


Propulsion on the Spiritual Path
Ibrahim Ansari

Sometimes certain realizations or experiences propel us towards a spiritual path:
\\xa0You realize you know nothing,
\\xa0What you do know is so infinitesimal it will take just a minute to list them,
\\xa0you have no power - everything comes from somewhere else. And when you do try to do something\\u2026
\\xa0Your personal will gets in the way,\\\\ You understand that this place is a school. You\\u2019ve learned a lot, now it is time to articulate the lessons and figure out what and if you have learned,
You are prideful - you think you are the center of the universe and you that\\u2019s not right,
You judge everyone - you think you are better than others and that\\u2019s not right,
You think you know better and wish that would stop,
Life is not as fair as you wished or expected,
You have heard that humility and sincerity are important, whatever they are,
Everything is a paradox,
Teachers don\\u2019t know everything,
You don\\u2019t know who you are, and finally,
Crisis! Physical, mental, or emotional.

So here you are desperate enough or courageous enough, curious enough or confused enough, to listen to this podcast by some fool who won\\u2019t give you straightforward advice.

That\\u2019s because the next steps you take are your own. There are lots of shops and shopkeepers just waiting for you to wander through. Self-help books and guru-talkers will be more than happy to take your money and point out ways for you to:

\\xa0Buy their special advanced spiritual methods,
Be special in a special group,
\\xa0Learn to channel and
\\xa0Talk to the dead,
\\xa0Read aura\\u2019s, or
Learn to manifest wealth.

Any of those are a path. Just not the one you were expecting. If they tell you that they know the path to make you rich and famous - well, that is not a spiritual path.That is the opposite of what any of the great prophets taught. There is no perfection in this life. There is practice, there is getting better, there is learning how to learn from failure. But there is no perfect being in this world. Everyone makes mistakes. There is no learning without mistakes and failure. Being human means to grow and learn. Learning means that it is important and vital that you make mistakes and fail.

The point is that you must learn how to learn, how to go deep inside and reflect on what has happened to you these past years. What have you learned? How do you know what you know? In this case, I mean that gnosis of experience and knowledge that cannot be removed from your being. Unconditional love, a deep understanding about someone or something\\u2026 Not facts or opinions. The knowing that is part of you.

Whether it was the answer to an important question, an experience, a person, love, a crisis - you were taken to the underground spring of unity and drank of the sacred water. Once that\\xa0 touches your tongue, once that divine wine enters you, there is no going back. You can only want more. No substitution will do.\\xa0

There are knowledgeable guides, but you should be aware that you are like a child. You are naive. You may think you know what\\u2019s what, but that is the dead part of you trying to resurrect itself. That self needs to stay buried. It is important to be wary and discriminating. There is no perfect being. The gui

Salaam Alaykum, murids, seekers, curious and interested listeners,

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