Audio: Consumption Ep. 19

Published: Feb. 6, 2014, 11:28 p.m.

b'Episode\\xa019 of SFM Presents: Consumption\\xa0was recorded on Wednesday,\\xa0January 29, 2014.
\\nThis week we were joined by author, transmedia creator and all-around ULTRA-creative, J.C. Hutchins. We chatted with him about what he’s been into the last couple of years (transmedia projects tied to properties such as X-Men: Days of Future Past and Almost Human) and his upcoming fiction project “The 33.”
\\nShow Notes:
\\nThe safe word for today’s podcast\\\\\\\\\\xa6 \\xa0bananas
\\n*\\xa0Launched on Jan 31st!
\\n* 7th Son
\\n* Dark Arts
\\n* Almost Human interactive website
\\n* XMen movie JFK\\xa0conspiracy website
\\nMedia discussed:
\\n* Babylon 5
\\n* Sherlock Holmes
\\n* Veronica Mars
\\n* Last of Us
\\n* Gone Home
\\n* Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag
\\n* Warframe\\xa0– 1st person, coop, free to play, not an mmorpg
\\n* Don\\\\\\\\\\u2122t Starve
\\n* Lego Movie
\\n* Lego Video Games
\\n* Broken Age – from a Kickstarter
\\nMoar TV
\\n* Code word: c0ck$ucker
\\n* Sherlock
\\n* Agents of SHIELD
\\n* Almost Human
\\n* The Colony
\\n* The Blacklist
\\n* Rick and Morty – Adult Swim
\\n* HBO dude said, \\\\\\\\They know people are sharing their HBO accounts, and they don\\\\\\\\\\u2122t care.\\\\\\\\\\x9d
\\n\\xa0Wired MidSeason\\xa0TV Report Card
\\n* Her
\\n* Woman in Black – Daniel Radcliffe
\\n* Star Wars Canon is getting trimmed
\\nP.G. Holyfield (author of\\xa0Murder at Avedon Hill\\xa0and SFM Founder)
\\nChristiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things\\xa0Christiana at her site).
\\nChooch (Beyond the Wall\\xa0Podcast Co-Host)
\\nVivid Muse (Into the Blender\\xa0Podcast Co-Host,\\xa0Girls\\\\\\\\\\u2122 Rules\\xa0Podcast Host)
\\nContact Us:
\\nIf you want to be part of this or\\xa0future\\xa0shows (questions for the guest, topics for us to discuss, general trolling):
\\nEmail us at consumption at specficmedia dot com
\\nLeave a voicemail at (704-981-1SFM)
\\nPost a message here before the show, or on the YouTube page during the show!