Audio: Consumption Ep. 08

Published: Nov. 8, 2013, 8:05 p.m.

b'Episode 8 of SFM Presents: Consumption\\xa0was recorded on Wednesday, October 2nd at 9 pm Eastern.
\\nWe talked to\\xa0Patrick E. McLean, about what he’s been up to lately, and chatted about GTA V, the end of Breaking Bad, and other fun stuff… at least I enjoyed it.
\\nShow Notes:
\\n* Soon
\\nP.G. Holyfield (author of\\xa0Murder at Avedon Hill\\xa0and SFM Founder)
\\nChristiana Ellis (too many podcasts to list here, but you can check out all things\\xa0Christiana at her site).
\\nChooch (Into the Blender\\xa0Podcast Co-Host)
\\nVivid Muse (Into the Blender\\xa0Podcast Co-Host,\\xa0Girls\\\\\\\\\\u2122 Rules\\xa0Podcast Host)
\\nIf you want to be part of this or\\xa0future\\xa0shows (questions for the guest, topics for us to discuss, general trolling):
\\nEmail us at consumption at specficmedia dot com
\\nLeave a voicemail at (704-981-1SFM)
\\nPost a message here before the show, or on the YouTube page during the show!