The Power of 12 Step Work with Carol the Coach

Published: Nov. 29, 2016, 2 a.m.

Carol the Coach met author Johnnie Callloway who wrote Dragons to Butterflies The Metamorphosis of a Man at a Hayhouse Conference. In his memoir, he shares his recovery from the guilt that came as a result of thinking that he had killed his mother at the age of 5 while growing up with an angry, alcoholic, sexuually confused father. As you might expect, this childhood trauma impacted his life. He describes his drug addiction and alscoholism  and how it contributed to his mentall illnesses. This story is about how he used the spiritual principles of the twelve step program and A Course of Miracles to forgive, recover and to heal. If you have had trauma in your past, this interview will surely inspire you to work on your own personal recovery to heal from your demons.