Christ is King

Published: Nov. 20, 2022, 10 p.m.

Have you ever found yourself quickly cleaning up your house because an unexpected quest was about to stop by?  Or perhaps an expected guest was scheduled to arrive?

If you have then you know what it feels like to think what and where can I hide x,y,z so my guest won’t see it and the house will look cleaned and ready to go.

Whether unexpected or expected the frantic straightening and cleaning occurs because there were things done and/or left undone that you would like to have taken care of before a guest arrives.

 For those of you who keep a perfectly clean house you might not be able to imagine this.  Maybe for you, it is having everything you need to bake the cookies, make a cup of coffee, or pour a glass of tea.   

The panic or anxiety that arises from such a situation comes from not doing or being prepared for what you know is about to take place.  If you had just a little more time, a little better warning, one more day to get ready.  When we know someone coming over it moves us to a different course of action than when we don’t anticipate any visitors. 

In reference to your faith, how do you see yourself prepared or not prepared for the 2nd coming of Jesus?

Today is Christ the King Sunday.  The day in which the Church celebrates that which we believe will one day take place.  The day when Jesus returns to judge the world with perfect judgement.  The day when all evil and the spiritual forces that rebel against God are locked up and put away forever.  The day when everything is made right and the Kingdom of God is fully known because the kingdom of God is fully present.

The day in which the sheep are separated from the goats, the wheat is separated from the chaff, the day where the righteous are separated from the unrighteous.

A day that Jesus says will come, but when it comes no one will know the day or the hour, but it will come and the only thing that will matter is are you prepared or not.

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