Why It's Time To Embrace the Potential of Privileged Access Management Solutions

Published: Sept. 27, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

Fifty-four percent of organizations today still use paper- or Excel-based processes to manage credentials. This remarkable statistic reveals that privileged access management (PAM) remains a significant challenge. The good news is Dustin Hoff and Bert Vanspauwen of IBM Security are here to break down the problem of privileged access security gaps and to introduce IBM's new privileged access management-as-a-service (PAMaaS)offering. To learn more, read the blog, "Protect Your ‘Matrix’ With Strong Privileged Access Management" at https://ibm.co/2OgqM8n and register for the Oct. 1 6 webinar, "Privileged Account Attacks – Are You Ready?" at http://bit.ly/2xFwese.