Эпизод 55 - Brain tumor warning signs

Published: March 4, 2016, 7:55 p.m.

Intro / Outro Степ - Бум-Бум - все в нас є https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjG-W9-pHiE

00:01:45 Apple, The FBI And iPhone Encryption: A Look At What's At Stake http://goo.gl/UyYXbd

Why You Should Care About Apple’s Fight With the FBI http://goo.gl/7n6Ckc

Judge Forces Apple to Help Unlock Terror Shooter's iPhone https://goo.gl/pg8pnB

No, A Judge Did Not Just Order Apple To Break Encryption On San Bernardino Shooter's iPhone, But To Create A New Backdoor | Techdirt https://goo.gl/ed5sT5

The FBI’s attack on Apple could force Congress to rule on encryption http://goo.gl/809jtw

Customer Letter - Apple https://www.apple.com/customer-letter/

Judge Demands that Apple Backdoor an iPhone https://goo.gl/FNxUeu

Why Tim Cook is wrong about the iPhone 'back door': A privacy advocate's view http://reg.cx/2jWm

Encryption is under attack. https://www.google.com/takeaction/issue/encryption/

Not a Slippery Slope, but a Jump off the Cliff https://goo.gl/2M7xj7

Apple vs the FBI - a plain English guide - BBC News http://goo.gl/tFfDPI

Why Apple — and Not Google — Is in the FBI’s Crosshairs http://goo.gl/3Z84g5

Here’s how often Apple, Google, and others handed over data when the US government asked for it http://goo.gl/r7Spl6

Bill Gates sides with FBI on demand for Apple backdoor to shooter's iPhone http://goo.gl/e4q37f

Encryption isn’t at stake, the FBI knows Apple already has the desired key http://goo.gl/0j3Zgq

00:26:29 Extremely severe bug leaves dizzying number of software and devices vulnerable http://goo.gl/nMeSox

CVE-2015-7547: glibc getaddrinfo stack-based buffer overflow https://goo.gl/yub5ku

Критическая уязвимость в glibc опасна для всех Linux https://goo.gl/wvjjTd

00:34:22 Hospital paid hackers $17,000 to unlock data held for ransom http://goo.gl/unoxFI

00:40:24 Execute My Packet https://goo.gl/3hgfjm

00:46:29 Beware of hacked ISOs if you downloaded Linux Mint on February 20th! http://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=2994

00:48:54 Google Wants to Save News Sites From Cyberattacks—For Free http://goo.gl/PGDIti

00:51:39 Joomla Joins WordPress As TeslaCrypt Ransomware Target https://goo.gl/P31WBG

00:53:27 Mousejack Attacks Abuse Vulnerable Wireless Keyboard, Mouse Dongles https://goo.gl/3isFBv

00:59:51 This is Why People Fear the ‘Internet of Things’ https://goo.gl/yRlVS9

01:12:45 Teacher’s sex tape stolen from hacked Dropbox, posted on school site https://goo.gl/7WZSCP

01:17:49 Man admits he stole nude celebrity pics from Apple and Gmail accounts http://goo.gl/vCPeF1

01:18:07 Tor: 'Mystery' spike in hidden addresses http://goo.gl/qt4M5g

RicochetSecurityAssessment (pdf) https://goo.gl/gLNyvU

01:19:27 Adi Shamir anniversary keynote on “Financial Cryptography: Past, Present, and Future” http://goo.gl/tCmnY3

01:25:26 Volksverschlüsselung https://goo.gl/MXTikt

01:31:42 Интервью с Владимиром Гарбузом

Сайт конференции http://securitybsides.org.ua/

The Web Application Hacker's Handbook http://goo.gl/8aK5P2

Связаться с Владимиром можно по скайпу vigarbuz